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Headshot of Jake

I'm Jake, and I'm a professional software engineer.

From the moment I wrote my first line of XNA, I knew that I wanted to develop video games for a living. This aspiration is what got me to where I am today—professionally writing Spring Boot applications in Java 8. Outside of work, I enjoy learning new things by starting projects and overcomplicating them. Websites, game engines, and programming languages are just some of the things I enjoy hand-rolled.

But it's not all about computers! All the tech is balanced with a good amount of sports, hiking, and traveling. I also enjoy trying to learn actual, human languages. Someday, I'll even get good at one. Vielleicht eines Tages.


This site is all about fun, learning, and embracing not-invented-here syndrome. The stack is fairly straightforward: a Droplet for hosting, and Ktor for the server. Everything else will be made from scratch1. In the spirit of learning, this site will attempt to follow a few guidelines:

  • Progressive enhancement is the name of the game. This site should not require scripting in order to function.
  • This site should aim for AA WCAG compliance.
  • No matter what happens, make sure to have fun. 😊

Thanks for stopping by!

1But first, I must invent the universe.